Friday, August 17, 2012

Unforgettable drive to work

Today was colder than normal for August but, I was excited - I was wearing my new white and black fall long-sleeve top that has the shoulders cut out, a cute pair of black pants, and my black sandals with kitten heels. I looked good.

So I leave the house a few minutes before 5:30 for work, jamming out to my favorite song by the Black Keys, “Howlin for you”
and I begin my 1 mile drive to work. I know, I should walk, and I do on occasion but, I’m not a morning person, it’s dark that early, I hit snooze until that moment when “if I don’t get up now, I will be late” arrives, and I usually stay up until 11 each night writing so I’m generally tired in the am regardless. You walk to work :P

Anyway, I’m on my route through side streets lined with sleepy homes and I see something small and white a few blocks ahead of me. It could garbage - there is a McDonalds about a block behind me and occasionally I see some litter from thoughtless people with their logo on the road – or it could be an animal like a bunny or something.

There are two stop signs between me and my white mystery and, after stopping at both, it hasn’t moved. My sub-par headlights inch closer and closer to it and still no reaction. I’m now fairly certain that it’s junk but, I’m an animal lover. I have been raised on Disney so I pictured Thumper, the cute rambunctious rabbit from Bambi,
and I slowed down and moved to the wrong side of the road. No one else was on the road... it’s okay.

As I’m passing my garbage bunny, I look out my passenger window and finally uncover its identity. It’s a person! That’s right. A man was standing in the road wearing a dark grey shirt, dark pants and white shoes with his back to on-coming traffic! And he had the nerve to glare at me like I was disturbing him!

What was he doing for the minute plus that he was un-necessarily endangering his life? Looking at his cell phone! That’s right. He was reading a text or Facebook or something else that could have waited for him to walk the eight or ten feet to the curb but, apparently he suffers from, "I’m a moron" syndrome.

Now... the cynical a**hole part of me thinks he may have been there on purpose. Perhaps he had composed a goodbye text to someone who also thinks he is a moron and he had his finger floating above the send button, waiting for that moment right before impact to send it.

The “people are generally good” part of me thinks it was just an accident. He hadn’t expected anyone to be driving around at o’dark thirty so he didn’t think anything of standing in the road to check for new cat pictures.

Whatever his reason for being there, I’m just glad I love bunnies. Hopefully he does too because Thumper, Bugs Bunny, Peter Cottontail, the Eater Bunny and all the other various bunnies from my youth saved his life today.

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